Once Upon A Time...
In a great forest far to the north, there lived a huge evergreen tree whose branches were much larger than those of all theother trees. His emense trunk streched high above the other trees and he had a great many more green needles than did the other trees.
This tree, however, was overly prideful of his beauty and size. "I must be the biggest tree in the whole world", he exclaimed to the other trees. "No tree will ever be as tall or and strong or as green as I am," he crowed. "Be very carefull", warned the old grandfather tree. "If you become to boastful, one snowy day you shall no longer be tall and green. You will be made low," he told the contieted coniferous. But the great tree paid no attention to his elder.
One snowy day, some woodsmen, like small elves, came deep into the forest carrying shinning axes. They chopped down the great tree, tied up his huge branches, and dragged the braggard away. Horrified, this formerly great tree now made low prayed to God crying, "Please God, let me be as tall and as beautiful as I once was! I am sorry for my pride."
Eventually, the woodsmen brought the evergreen to the center of a small town. There, they lifted him up and all of the towns people decorated him. They sang songs and crowned the tree with and golden star. Now, he was made to be more beautiful and glorious than he had ever been before. He thanked God and cried at his new-found joy.
Sunday, October 4, 2009
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